
Scrabble In Babel And Other Godly Pranks

Scrabble In Babel And Other Godly Pranks / Debandadă în Babilon și alte farse divine IRLO ( Laurențiu Alexandrescu) 20.06-31.07 curated by Gilda Ghinoiu EN In the beginning was the Word and the Word was […]

Fifteen Shapes Of May

Fifteen Shapes Of May Radu Băieș, Răzvan Boar, Arina Bican, Simion Cernica, Beatrice Duman, Camilia Filipov, Remus Grecu, Julia Haumont, Adéla Jánská, Genti Korini, Emma Păvăloaia, Alexandru Ranga, Nicolae Romanițan, Leonardo Silaghi and Ioana Stanca […]

Alexandru Ranga

Alexandru Ranga Blight 11.04-30.04.2024 curated by Andrei Barbu EN Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night;  What immortal hand or eye,  Could  frame thy fearful symmetry?   Blight is a large-scale immersive […]